Cycling Production Business For Sale
An excellent opportunity exists to purchase the business and assets of a well-established Cycling Production Business that works with various high-profile clients. The business has traded successfully and profitably in recent years.
Business Overview:
- Reputable client base
- Extensive British cycling footage archives
- Vimeo Pro Software Licence
- Average Turnover c.£435k (2018-19)
Assets for Sale:
- Audio Visual Equipment
- Goodwill / Trading Name
- Customer List
- Domain name, Website, Digital/Social Media Assets
- Extensive British cycling footage archives
- Vimeo Pro Software Licence
Interested parties are requested to specifically deal and formally register their interest with Cameron Crombie at SIA Group, who are acting on behalf of the Company.
A sale will be executed at the earliest opportunity. All expressions of interest must be registered by no later than 27th May 2021.